5 Steps To Get Ready For Virtual Career Fairs

Virtual Career Fairs
Virtual Career Fairs

So, you've registered for a virtual career fair, and you have less than 24 hours to prepare. The clock is ticking, and perspiration starts to gather on your forehead and your palms. What next? Where do I start?

Believe me, I've been there - not just at career fairs, but at meetings, networking events, presentations, recruiting events, etc. You name it. I've lived it! The dreaded feeling of speaking in front of the "most important person(s)" at that moment.

The stress, the anxiety, the fear of making a mistake, and ultimately wanting to make a good impression hinges on this "one" moment! We've got you covered!

  1. Preparation is key! From your elevator pitch to your resume, it's essential to have your storyline "connect the dots" to the job you want to fill for the "said" employer. In addition, prepare the technical aspects before stepping into the virtual environment: check your lighting, background, video, and microphone.
  2. Conduct your research on the employers attending the event. It's so simple. The virtual booth is open right now to view which representatives will be at the Tech Homecoming career fair. You have the opportunity to learn from the "about us" page, LinkedIn profiles and find out their mission, product, or service and their core values. So you'll be able to wrap that into your pitch and "connect the dots" for the employer.
  3.  Review the job openings. Employers are there because they need talent, and you want to be the person who fills that need! The job description is a considerable resource for intel. What skills, knowledge, characteristics does the employer need to make the pain point disappear? Be the one that communicates how you'll be able to solve their pain point and fill their need with your skills, experiences, and, most importantly, results! Who doesn't love a good story? Go prepared with stories that share those experiences and "connect the dots" for the employer.
  4. Know how much time you are allotted with the representatives, employers, and hiring managers. Will it be a chat/text window, virtual Zoom gathering, or a one-on-one environment? Is it a few minutes, first-come-first-serve, by invitation, etc.? Prepare for each scenario. In most cases, the first few minutes of exchange should be focused on learning more about the employer and sharing your elevator pitch! And you guessed it "connect the dots" for the employer.
  5. Watch the "Activate Your Elevator Pitch." See our YouTube video from virtual Tech Trek 2020 to receive helpful tips from Amy Cell and myself in preparation for your career fair. We adapted this simplified template from Elliot Loh to assist job seekers with crafting the dreaded elevator pitch. We provide a handy template for you to develop, refine and use with your cadence as an introduction. It is a simplified template to work with to create and improve your elevator pitch. Finally, deliver an elevator pitch that "connects the dots" for the employer.

Feel you are ready? Or perhpas you want to get experience trying out your new elevator pitch or introduction?

Why don't you attend Ann Arbor SPARK's Virtual Tech Homecoming event which will run from 4-7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 8, with over 20 companies hiring. The event is free, but job seekers will be required to register online through Ann Arbor SPARK.

We wish you the best for your upcoming career fairs and events! After following the steps above, we hope your perspiration is replaced by confidence! If you would like additional assistance, our team would love to work with you- talk with us TODAY.

About The Author: Michelle Galbraith
Michelle Galbraith

A career coach and fearless leader to job seekers far and wide, she brings confidence and energy to the job search process. Passionate about personal branding, goal setting, and communicating career stories, strengths, and skills.

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